God wants us to grow in our faith and trust in Him. We do this by studying our Scriptures. To help us in this endeavor, I have put a search engine that will help to optimize that study. This is connected to the Blue Letter Bible resource.

I have also added some of the websites and resources that I use personally as well as others that are there but I have not used. Feel free to find the one that suits best. If you have any questions on anything that you see or want to know more about how to use any of these tools, please don't hesitate to let me know. I pray that as you seek to study His Word, that you may grow in your love for Him.

In Christ,

Pastor Jonathan


Range Options:
e.g. Gen;Psa-Mal;Rom 3-9

 1. E-Sword - Downloaded. Once downloaded, other resources can be added to the basic platform.

             a. E-Study Source - Exclusive E-Sword sources.

              b. Bible Support - Largest  E-Sword Archive

2. Blue Letter Bible - Online. This is done all online. The search bar above is based on this site. They do have a CD that can be ordered along with a donation.

3. Bible Gateway - Online. This is great resource to copy verses from. The search bar is very easy to use. Not as in depth as Blue Letter Bible

4. Study Light - Online. This is another simple to use website. Has a lot of resources, but not as laid out as easy as Bible Gateway nor does it flow as easy as Blue Letter Bible.

5. Bible Hub - Online. Another easy to use website for studying the Scriptures.

6. Bible Study Tools - Online.

7. Read through the Bible - The best place to start studying the Bible is to read through the Bible. Here is a breakdown of what to read to get through the Bible in a year. This information came from my Bible as an extra source in the ending pages. It is not my own work.

The Holy Bible, New King James Version

Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

8. Bible Translators

      Pioneer Bible Translators

9. Logos - VERY EXPENSIVE - I have not used this.

10. Bibleworks - Expense. I have not used this, but have seen it being used. It is best if some Greek and Hebrew is understood.

11. Xiphos - Written for Linux, UNIX and Windows using GTX. I have never used or seen it being used.

12. The Word - Free. It seems like it is on the same level as E-Sword, but it does have some things that E-Sword doesn't.

13. Complete Bible Genealogy - This is great to follow the Genealogy of the Scriptures.

14. Biblia - Free resource.

15. Bible - Online resources.